Unit Two: Assessment and Teacher-Based Teams



Unit Two Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT) 


ELCC.4.2.B.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use appropriate assessment strategies and research methods to understand and accommodate diverse school and community conditions and dynamics.

IS.2.E.Develop assessment and accountability systems to monitor student progress.

O.T.3.1 Teachers are knowledgeable about assessment types, their purposes and the data they generate.

O.T.3.2 Teachers select, develop and use a variety of diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.

O.MT.D. Distinguished Teaching - Focus on Content, Instruction and Assessment: Master Teachers have a deep and reflective understanding of the academic content they teach. They use multiple assessments to evaluate student learning and inform instruction. They continually reflect on student outcomes and make decisions to promote high levels of learning for all students. 




Unit Two Content




(10 hours)

Face-to-Face or On-line


(5 hours)

Independent Study Activities

(30 hours total) 

Orientation to Teacher-Based Teams

Module 6, P. 10: Developing Shared Accountability - The Why, Who, How, and What of Teams



TBTs Work with Assessment

Module 1: Assessment and Learning


Activity: Performance Assessment

Assessment and the Instructional Process

Module 18, PP. 8-10: The Instructional Process


Activity: Performance Assessment





