Unit Three Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT)
ELCC.1.1.D.c. Candidates use data-based research strategies to create a vision that takes into account the diversity of learners in a district.
ELCC.1.2.B.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use data-based research strategies and strategic planning processes that focus on student learning to inform the development of a vision, drawing on relevant information sources such as student assessment results, student and family demographic data, and an analysis of community needs.
ELCC.1.2.D.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use data-based research strategies and strategic planning processes that focus on student learning to develop a vision, drawing on relevant information community needs.
ELCC.1.3.D.b. Candidates design research-based processes to effectively implement a district vision throughout an entire school district and community.
ELCC.1.4.B.b. Candidates design or adopt a system for using data-based research strategies to regularly monitor, evaluate, and revise the vision.
ELCC.2.2.D.a. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of a variety of instructional research methodologies and can analyze the comparable strengths and weaknesses of each method.
ELCC.2.3.B.c. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of how to use appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student achievement.
ELCC.2.3.D.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to facilitate and engage in activities that use best practices and sound educational research to improve instructional programs.
ELCC.3.1.D.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use research-based knowledge of learning, teaching, student development, organizational development, and data management to optimize learning for all
ELCC.6.1.B.a. Candidates act as informed consumers of educational theory and concepts appropriate to school context and can demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate research methods to a school context.
O.P.2.4 Principals know, understand and share relevant research.
O.T.3.3 Teachers analyze data to monitor student progress and learning and to plan, differentiate and modify instruction.
Unit Three Content
(10 hours)
Face-to-Face or On-line
(5 hours)
Independent Study Activities
(30 hours total)
Orientation to Teacher-Based Teams
Module 6, P. 10: Developing Shared Accountability - The Why, Who, How, and What of Teams
Operation of Teacher-Based Teams:
Module 15, ALL: Teacher Based Teams (TBTs): What Districts Need to Know
Activity: Making the Shift from Autonomy to Accountability
Creating Cultures Grounded in Data
Module 5, PP. 11, 14, & 15: Creating Cultures Grounded in Data
Activity: Making the Shift from Autonomy to Accountability
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